Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I am happy to report that I will get my new camera within the next few hours. This means that I will be able to post cool workout pictures to my posts again!

By the looks of it you wouldn't think so but last nights WOD was "SPICY".

For Time:
High Pulls (95/65)

Wall Ball (20/16)

<<Average completion time: 16 minutes>>

Happy New Year!

First workout of the year was a good one... atleast I think it was a good one! :)

4 Rounds

500 M Row
7 Wall Walks
25 Diver Situps (Thank Kris Clever for this one)

Average complition time 26 Minutes

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Holiday Workout in COMING!!!

Don't miss the Holiday Workout THIS
Sunday, December 19, 2010.

Don't forget to dress up in your most festive (red, green, blue, or white) workout clothes.

Thursday Morning!

* Once I get my camera back from the repair shop I promise to post some pictures.

This was one hell of workout!

Part 1:

Bench Press- Work up to your 1 rep max

Part 2:
4 Rounds
24 Bench Press (@60% of your 1 rep max from Part 1)
12 Pullups (chin over)
500 M Row


Tuesday Night!

Great job to each and every athlete who tackled this workout!

5 Rounds
5 Handstand Pushups
10 Pistols (R=1/L=1)
15 Wall Ball

*Complete 3 Muscle ups each round however you need to.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Getting Inverted!

Today's class had a lot to do with midline stabilization. 


Handstand pushup on 25# bumper plates. In groups of 3, work on driving out of the bottom of the handstand. Partners will assist the person doing the handstands with as much assistance as possible to complete 5 reps. Rotate with your partners, complete this twice.


OH Squats (95#)
High Pulls (95#)

"Cool Down"
Handstand pushups (same format as above)
* In between sets run one 180M Sprint

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Back in the Saddle

No excuses! I will be posting the WODs after each class I teach. No excuses!

Today's WOD:

Mainsite from 12/08/10

Three rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
15 Pull-ups
50 Squats
15 Pull-ups